runtime: 152 m;
writer: Christopher Nolan, David S. Goyer;
9 of 10 Stars;
Year: 2008;
Directors: Christopher Nolan;
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The dark night.
8 years of The Dark Knight Rises💓💓 An epic conclusion to The Dark Knight saga💓💓🔥.
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I'm not a hero, not like Dent. I'm whatever Gotham needs me to be. Batman.
FUN FACT: The actress playing Rachel actually didn't want to look at Joker aka Ledger in the face. She was really scared.
1:17 I don't know why but the way he says no after rolling his head around is just too funny.
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This video should be The Joker interrogates Batman.
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4:13 In that moment the joker realized batman's weakness
I'll be honest, Heath Ledger's Joker was the best part of this trilogy. But I will admit that Bane was the best choice of villain to follow the Joker and Tom Hardy was the best choice of actor to play the part. The dark knight rises imdb. To, Jaime Campbell Bower: I saved her, with my Rinne'gan. I still observe living shadows however. HarryWarnerTheSecond #HarryWarnerII.
So many clues in every scene. I love this movie to pieces. The dark knight joker. The dark knight star. The dark knight full movie in tamil. The dark knight wallpaper. Yea Marvel is all cool but nothing can beat this Trilogy. HE IS NOT A FANTASY BECAUSE HE LIVES IN OUR HEARTS. The dark knight rises villain crossword. 0:34 mere dimaag mein TIKTOK wala joker aata hai.
Then you're gonna love me. Batman 2008
The dark knight rises bane. Batman has always thought that he could physically hurt his enemies to stop them. But Joker does not embody or present himself as a physical threat. Instead he is physiological, moral, emotional threat which is more problematic and violent. Nolan did something extraordinary. The Dark knightley. And people think that Ben Affleck and BvS is better than this. I'm sorry. I will never enjoy Affleck more than Bale. It's just so great to have a good Batman trilogy. The Dark knight rises. The dark knight returns part 2. Bane just beat Batmans ass without venom, let that sink in.
Bro IAM new to DC universe.I didn't watch any movie of DC a list of movies from where I can watch first to last. The dark knight 2008. The dark knight returns 2. I know a few thing's on why Bane won this fight- trained himself to be in the best shape of his life, knew that Bruce/Batman wasn't 100% and hadn't trained in a while, planned out everything like having Catwoman lure Batman into a trap only because he threatened to kill her if she didn't do what he said, let Batman attack him first to tire him out and then used Batman's own momentum against him by grabbing Batman's fist and hitting him with it, and finally 5. Bane was calm,cool,and collected in the fight because he knew that he was going to win this fight and beat Batman.
The dark knight.
The Dark knight frank.
I'm sorry but I'm not being paid to write these reviews and it sure looks like those ahead of me are. Did we see the same picture? I thought it was too long, confusing, poor plot line, very very dark, a lot of gratuitous violence and Ledger's performance was just not Oscar material as so many are proclaiming. During the movie several people got up and left. There were a couple of times there my date and I thought about leaving but we paid premium bucks to see the thing and you hate wasting money like that.
The film gets off to a pretty good start. We were all excited but as it went along it began to drag. Ledger looks awful and they relied enitrely on makeup (with no prosthetics they way they did with Nicholson) to give you the impression of a smiling joker. Here it was just white and red makeup piled on the way a six-year old might do after getting into mommy's makeup. And dark. Everything was so dark throughout the film that each time someone opened a flip phone it was as bright as a flashlight! I thought, surely they aren't going to call anyone but because so many were doing it I figured they were looking at the time - a sure sign that the film was lumbering along.)
From this viewer's perspective I thought it was awful.
The Dark knight.
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The Joker is the perfect person to have as a case study for a Psychology class.